
WheelchairDNA is for those who dare and never give up.

Whether you just got paralyzed or you have been for any amount of time, the information I have here is from the greatest source – experience.

There are a lot of things I wish I knew when I was in rehab and when I left and went home. I’m always learning and challenging myself to try new things and solve problems big and small.

One day, I was talking with a friend, he holds an impressive position at a company that specializes in making accessible vehicles. Because of the job he has, he is constantly meeting people in wheelchairs with amazing stories.

He told me about some people he knows who are leading great lives – happy and successful.

He also told me something that I want to warn you about.

He told me that a lot of people who become paralyzed will take a long time to get out of a funk and back to life on their terms. He’s known people that never got out of that funk, they stay at home and don’t enjoy life, some get out of it and achieve anything they set out to do.

None of them get that time back, though.

You’ll learn a lot about me, I even have a page dedicated to me. It is my website and I’ll admit, I couldn’t resist.

You’ll learn even more helpful tips, tricks and anything that can improve your life.

I don’t want you to be in a funk. It happens, but it shouldn’t last long.

Over time, this website will be beautifully populated with all sorts of helpful information.

This is just a little chat I wanted to have with you. There’s a lot more precise information on the subpages: